In this paper, the performance of asecondary user (SU) in an underlay cognitive radio (CR) network over ageneralized-gamma (GG) fading channel in terms of three performance metrics,namely, outage probability, ergodic capacity, and bit error rate (BER), isinvestigated. According to the underlay approach, the transmit power of the SUshould be limited to avoid interference to primary users (PUs). The performancemetrics of the SU in the underlay CR network are theoretically derived and alsoobtained with Monte Carlo simulations for a GG fading channel with different fadingparameters. To demonstrate the effect of limited power on the performancemetrics, three different maximum transmit power levels (Pmax), namely, 10, 20,and 30 dB, are used. The simulation results lead to three conclusions: First,when high values are chosen for the fading parameters (α, c), the fadingchannel gets less distorted and the performance metrics improve. The secondconclusion is that the BER performance gets better as the limited powerincreases. The final conclusion is that the BER performance of SUs improves asthe interference power that PUs can tolerate increases.
Cite this article as: Aldırmaz Çolak S.Performance Analysis of a Secondary User in Cognitive Radio overGeneralized-Gamma Fading Channels. Electrica, 2019; 19(2): 166-172.