Original Article

Prevention of Cyberattacks on SCADA Systems Used in the Financial Sector


Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, İstanbul University-Cerrahpaşa, İstanbul, Turkey

ELECTRICA 2022; 22: 132-142
DOI: 10.54614/electrica.2022.22004
Read: 2155 Downloads: 926 Published: 24 May 2022

Supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems appear as smart technology products that are easy to control, provide fast communication, transmit data to relevant institutions, observed, informed and provide storage. These are the systems that inform the relevant unit of all activations that may occur in cases of sudden intervention, from industry to energy and from communication to banking systems. Supervisory control and data acquisition systems store thousands of data on monetary systems. In this article, the prevention of cyberattacks on SCADA systems used in the financial field is discussed. In the introduction part of the article, studies on cyber security are included and the importance of establishing information security policies and putting them into practice is mentioned. In the Materials and Methods section, a simulation of a possible attack on SCADA systems used in the financial field has been created and system vulnerabilities have been identified for this scenario and the results obtained as a result of exploiting the relevant vulnerabilities are given. In the Evaluation and Suggestions section, the results and evaluations of the findings obtained through vulnerability scans and attack analyzes within the scope of the relevant scenario are given and the measures to be taken are included. In addition, in the light of the information obtained in the literature research, what needs to be done to increase the security of SCADA networks has been specified. In the last section, the importance of cyber attacks, depending on the developments in the future, is mentioned by giving the access requirements, necessary times and flow chart for the attacks carried out within the scope of the scenario.

Cite this article as: H. Bulut and F. Kaçar, "Prevention of cyberattacks on SCADA systems used in the financial sector," Electrica., 22(2), 132-142, 2022.

EISSN 2619-9831