Applying Pre-satck Kirchhoff Depth Migration Technique to the multi-channel shallow seismic reflection data may be obtained successful results as well as obtained from the deep seismic reflection data. In order to test this approch, the technique converted the data, contains 40 seismic reflection records with 0.2 second record length and collected along straight profile, into the 120 meter depth section. The geometry of the layers and folding and faulting was revealed as depth as 120 meter in the image of the section. By comparing the fault plane emerged on the image with the corrupted parabola in seismic reflection records at the corresponding point, it is concluded that Pre-stack Kirchhoff Depth Migration Technique is capable not only imaging the layers at their correct places but also handling the parabola irregularity due to the fault structures and therefore it can be applied successfully to any shallow seismic reflection data too.