Original Article

Collection of an e-Health Dataset and Anonymization with Privacy- Preserving Data Publishing Algorithms


Department of Computer Engineering, National Defence University, Turkish Air Force Academy, İstanbul, Turkey


Department of Computer Engineering, National Defence University, Atatürk Strategic Studies and Graduate Institute, İstanbul, Turkey

ELECTRICA 2023; 23: 658-665
DOI: 10.5152/electrica.2023.23042
Read: 879 Downloads: 517 Published: 01 August 2023

The healthcare field remains one of the most important social and economic challenges worldwide, demanding new and more advanced solutions from science and technology. The developments in Industry 4.0 have brought tremendous improvements in the healthcare industry such as better quality of treatment, improved communication, remote monitoring, and lower cost. Therefore, sharing health data with healthcare providers is important for the continuation of such improvements. In general, health data contain sensitive information about individuals. Therefore, in accordance with privacy regulations and ethical requirements, it is essential to protect patients’privacy before sharing data for medical research. In this study, a new dataset is created with the data collected from e-Health platforms where patients and doctors meet. Some k-anonymization-based algorithms, which are frequently used in the literature, have been applied to this created health dataset. In order to reveal the success of the algorithms applied to the health dataset, various information metrics have been used and the results obtained from the experiments are presented in detail.

Cite this article as: B.C. Kara, C. Eyüpoğlu, S. Uysal and S. Bayraklı, "Collection of an e-health dataset and anonymization with privacy-preserving data publishing algorithms," Electrica, 23(3), 658-665, 2023.

EISSN 2619-9831