Original Article

Fractional Order PD(1+ PI) Controller for Frequency Control of Power System with Renewable Sources and Electric Vehicle


Department of Electrical Engineering, Government College of Engineering, Odisha, India


Department of Electrical Engineering, BEC, Odisha, India

ELECTRICA 2024; 24: 406-424
DOI: 10.5152/electrica.2024.23143
Read: 497 Downloads: 291 Published: 14 May 2024

Abstract: This article introduces hybrid Arithmetic Optimization Algorithm (AOA) and Local Unimodal Sampling (hAOA-LUS)-based fractional order (FO) proportional derivative (PD) cascaded with one plus proportional integral (1+PI) controller for automatic generation control of power system with renewable energy sources (RES) and electric vehicle (EV). The control-area 1 has thermal, hydro, gas, and wind power generators and the same true for control area 2, which uses thermal, hydro, gas, and solar energy sources. Initially, Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) controllers are taken into consideration and it has been demonstrated that hAOA-LUS outperforms as compared to the AOA, Particle Swarm Optimization, and Generic Algorithm (GA). The assessing of overshoots, undershoots, and different integral errors of frequency and tie-line power deviations after step load perturbations in each area allows for performance comparison of the proposed power system. In the next stage, EVs are considered in each area and the controller parameters are optimized by hAOA-LUS techniques in the presence of RES and EV. A comparative analysis is carried out by hAOA-LUS-tuned FO PD(1+PI) controller with PID as well integer ordered PD(1+PI) for various cases so as to validate the superiority of the anticipated controller. The results from MATLAB and OPAL-RT are compared in order to verify the authenticate feasibility of method.

Cite this article as: A. Kumar Baliarsingh, S. “Keshori Mohapatra and P. Mohan Dash, Fractional order PD(1+ PI) controller for frequency control of power system with renewable sources and electric vehicle,” Electrica, 24(2), 406-424, 2024.

EISSN 2619-9831